Jamie’s lifelong interest in learning about death culminated when she stumbled upon a Day of the Dead celebration in France in the late 90s. Seeing an entire village congregate in the cemetery, sharing memories, sorrows, and laughter, epitomized the idea that we can maintain meaningful connections with our dead. She came home with an even deeper desire to learn all she could about this tradition and the ways different cultures approach death. She went on to become a teacher and an event planner while fostering an informal education in death by reading voraciously on the subject. Since then, Jamie has completed her Certificate in Thanatology (the study of death, dying, and bereavement) and co-facilitated Death Café in Calgary. She has completed Death Doula training along with the following programs: Ancestral Lineage Healing, Animism and Earth Reconnection, Foundations of Ritual. She co-facilitates Crows in a Row focusing on the topic of death literacy and rituals for endings with the hopes that integrating death into our lives will encourage more meaningful living while reacquainting us with death.